Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Free Play" in Grade One

I don't know about you guys, but I find the first day back after a long weekend to be very tiring.  The kids are all out of routine, and they don't recall lessons from four days ago...haha!!!   Anyone else find that????   

My day back after Family Day looked like this....

That's right, my laminator is toast!   What's a teacher to do??????

I guess buy a new one...anyone know where to get one at a good price?

Anyway, I thought today I'd write about why I incorporate play into my grade one program.   Not all teachers do it, and some feel very strongly against it, so here's my two cents on the topic.

1.  Grade one children need it for cognitive reasons...

Quite simply, 6 and 7 year olds are still in the stage of development where play is very much part of their daily cognitive workings.  

2.  Students need it for social reasons...

Peer to peer interaction that happens during play is much different from that in a structured "desk work" setting.  Students learn to take turns, compromise, share, ask questions, and most importantly learn to synergize ideas to expand learning.

3.  It's open ended...

One thing I LOVE about allowing my students free play time is that true inquiry takes place.  Students have the opportunity to test their working theories and try new things.  New ideas are taught through lessons, but are solidified during play.

4.  It allows for authentic learning...

I love this Mr Rogers quote because I think it sums up what "play" in grade one is....it's the REAL learning.  

So there you have it....my thoughts on play.  

Care to weigh in?  


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